Class numeric_limits is part of the standard namespace; it checks for properties of fundamental types on a given operating system platform. 类numericlimits是标准命名空间的一部分;它检查基本类型在给定操作系统平台上的属性。
Rails provides reasonable definitions of blank? for several other objects too: true, false, empty arrays or hashes, numeric types, and even the Object class. Rails同时为许多其他对象提供了合理的blank?定义:true,false,空数组及哈希表,数值类型,甚至是Object类本身。
Based on surveying the principal stress in the city, numeric simulation of regional tectonic stress field has been made by the model built on all class block constructions and with the finite element method. That tectonic movement affected by coal mining has been analysed. 在实测地应力的基础上,以查明的各级断块结构为模型,应用有限元法进行了区域构造应力场的数值模拟,同时分析了煤炭开采对构造活动的诱发作用。